Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Artefact 3 and Evaluation

Artefact 3 Artefact 3 was created using the feedback from the previous two artefacts, it was aimed at introducing an audio track. The track from fight club was used as its a story about a man living two lives and for the purposes of showing two different personalities inside a single model it was a perfect match. The idea was to make two different personalities without the help of the model that was being used. Feedback from this artefact was positive; the personalities were easily noticeable but more use of the hands was wanted to enhance the characters. This was then upgraded for the final artefact. The feedback also liked the posture as it seems posture is one of the most important elements in personality creation in animation. In conclusion the artefact fulfilled its aims, although it is felt a more extreme difference in personality would be useful in a later artefact. The use of two personalities is a good tool and should be used again.

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