Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Artefact 5 and Evaluation

Artefact 5 The aim of artefact 5 was to create a personality one movement at the time. This was attempted by starting as the eye would go, with the most movement, to the least movement, and this personality was created via a nervous twitch a patient tapping, an inquisitive movement, a change in posture and a stern look. The feedback for this artefact was not the best, as the focus group said that the artefact had no great relevance to the work that had been done before. This was wrong, as it was felt that the previous artefacts were each giving this characters personality life with each interesting movement that was produced. Although the gestures work well as individual entities, several do not help the overall persona. And in fact the last shot destroys any build up or tension in the rest of the artefact. In conclusion this was not a great artefact and a bit disappointing, more work should have been done on audio linking to the animation.

Artefact 4 and Evaluation

Artefact 4 This artefact is an extension on artefact 3, it used more intense emotions to show a bigger difference between personalities making the change more dramatic. The feedback showed that the character in pain was more well produced although without the more sombre character the contrast may not have shown this. Some of the animation was slightly glitchy and the sound effects in the background had to space in the realm that this artefact created making the realism of the piece lacking slightly. It was also found that the intense movements of the man in pain was a main contributor to the success of that personality/emotion. This shows similarity from the findings of the research document and possibly shows that the use of incidental gestures and postures should be used a lot in animation if not in such an extreme manner. In conclusion the idea of using split personalities in a character has been a success and has shown how to create differences between individual emotions without the manipulation of the look of the character. In the next artefact, creating a personality from individual limbs, gestures or posture may be important as a look at the interconnection between these individual elements.

Artefact 3 and Evaluation

Artefact 3 Artefact 3 was created using the feedback from the previous two artefacts, it was aimed at introducing an audio track. The track from fight club was used as its a story about a man living two lives and for the purposes of showing two different personalities inside a single model it was a perfect match. The idea was to make two different personalities without the help of the model that was being used. Feedback from this artefact was positive; the personalities were easily noticeable but more use of the hands was wanted to enhance the characters. This was then upgraded for the final artefact. The feedback also liked the posture as it seems posture is one of the most important elements in personality creation in animation. In conclusion the artefact fulfilled its aims, although it is felt a more extreme difference in personality would be useful in a later artefact. The use of two personalities is a good tool and should be used again.

Artefact 2 and Evaluation

Artefact 2 Artefact 2 was created to attempt to show a change of personality, from a low, solitary, state from one which is trying to attract attention. This artefact was also directly influenced by the primary research and exact poses were borrowed for its animation. Feedback showed that the aims were not completed to a high enough degree; the walk cycle although attempting to be a shuffle walk toward the bar ended up looking weightless and without emotion. Furthermore the movements of the limbs at the bar were too precise, making the character look like it was 'supported by string'. Feedback also said that an audio track should be added and the extension to speech and interaction should be made. This would help to push across the In conclusion the artefact was not overly useful and lacking a lot of emotion although the change in personality was still apparent and it was learned even more so that posture goes a long way to the creation of a viable personality in character animation.

Artefact 1 and Evaluation

Artefact 1 This artefact was aimed at being able to interpret incidental gestures and postures that have observed and drawn. The main aim was to create a character that had a defined personality and emotions. The animation was fairly simple as all the movements were drawn in the primary research. The feedback that was found from creating this artefact was that the style of animation worked well and some people emphasized with the character. The feedback also said that the posture was well used in the animation in order to show the change in the mind of the character. The use of the fingers tapping was also appreciated by the focus group. In conclusion the artefact worked its purpose although it could be longer and more movement would have displayed more skill in production value. The next artefact should look at introducing the rest of the body, a walk cycle that shows emotion and personality, and should show some sort of interaction as this artefact was solitary and therefore personality traits could be lost.