Friday 27 November 2009


Right, sorry about little posting which has gone on... i will catch up very soon. But right now i am starting the pixilation project which will hopefully show my best work.

My flash narrative will be up very soon just finishing up the final bits. and my one shot film will be also as soon as i find it.

Right to pixilation.

Yesterday we did the start lecture and did a 30second 360 frame animation. In this we had me and another person (anthony Chapman) having a short chase and fight. In this we played around with what we could get away with in terms of making the animation flow and effects we could add. we made me be able to teleport and teleport ant. At the end of the animation another person (lars) come and pushes me over when i reemerge.


I have started to look at pixilations on the internet, namely youtube and i like the ideas this guy had...

i hope to be able to use a few of these. especially coming out of the fridge and or the levitating pencil.

thats all for now.

Friday 6 November 2009

This is a film i did for the 2nd years.

I really enjoyed the experience and due to the crews ability to work together well i am seriously considering doing this section of my course next year.